How To Get A Girls Phone Number

There’s certain things you can do to make getting a girls number a LOT easier and more successful.


Meaning you’ll have higher chances of getting her number (plus be able to actually text or call her and keep the conversating and “mating” process going).

And be able to AVOID getting rejected, like I constantly would when I wanted to get a girlfriend.

So just click the link below to watch the video.

A FEW more things you’ll get from this video are:

  • 3 sure-fire ways to tell if a girl is interested in you or not.
  • Don’t ask for her number… her’s what to do INSTEAD
  • what part of the conversation is best to get her number
  • and much more.

Again just click the play button above to watch the video. And leave your comment below with anything you learned, liked, disliked, or have questions about – I usually answer within 24 to 48 hours.


Do you want to know Exactly What To Do and Say to Approach Any Girl Without Fear? Click here to get exclusive videos, articles, and more. This is step-by-step how to approach a girl, and exactly what to say to get and keep her interested.